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Tickets and Sponsorship Opportunities
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Caring Hearts $5,000 Sponsorship (10 included) $0.00

Sponsorship includes:

  • Event admission and dinner for 10 guests
  • Acknowledgment by Master of Ceremonies throughout the evening 
  • Logo on all Auction Publicity
  • Full page ad in Auction Program

Program advertisements must be received by October 2. Please email your artwork to vsanchez@salemchrisitanhomes.org 

Caring Hearts $3,000 Sponsorship (6 included) $0.00

Sponsorship includes:

  • Event admission and dinner for 6 guests
  • Acknowledgment by Master of Ceremonies throughout the evening 
  • Logo on all Auction Publicity
  • Half page ad in Auction Program

Program advertisements must be received by October 2. Please email your artwork to vsanchez@salemchrisitanhomes.org 

Caring Hearts $1,500 Sponsorship (2 included) $0.00

Sponsorship includes:

  • Event admission and dinner for 2 guests
  • Acknowledgment by Master of Ceremonies throughout the evening 
  • Logo on all Auction Publicity
  • Business card size ad in Auction Program

Program advertisements must be received by October 2. Please email your artwork to vsanchez@salemchrisitanhomes.org 

Sponsor a Salem Home or Resident
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Harmony Sponsor-Home
17 Remaining

Your sponsorship will support a resident home of those attending the Benefit Auction.

Harmony Sponsor-Resident
108 Remaining

Your sponsorship will support a resident attending the Benefit Auction.

I am unable to attend the Benefit Auction but would like to make a donation

I authorize Salem Christian Homes to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event Connecting Hearts Benefit Auction. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.